G-TELP Writing Test

The G-TELP Writing Test is an Assessment Tool Specifically Designed to Measure the
English Writing Proficiency of Nonnative Speakers of English

G-TELP Writing Test is a measure of general English language writing proficiency. Developed by International Testing Services Center, which consists of evaluation experts, G-TELP Writing Test is designed to assess the English writing proficiency of non-native English speakers.

Test Type Part 1. Constructing a Paragraph
Part 2. Composing a Personal Letter
Part 3. Composing a Formal Letter
Part 4. Describing a Situation
Part 5. Writing an Essay
Duration 60 minutes
Availability of Score Report7 working days
LevelLevels 1 to 11
DescriptorGrammar, Vocabulary, Organization, Style, Substance
Duration of Score Validity Two (2) years

With the globalization of business and liberalization of foreign travel, there is a fast-growing and compelling need for non-native English speakers to write better English for their day-to-day interactions. They need to enhance their English-language writing skills to effectively communicate not only with their English-speaking peers in their country but also with both native English speakers and non-native English speakers in various parts of the world. This need has become even more acute with the growing use of the Internet, where English is internationally accepted as the language for communicating information, ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Electronic mail and chat rooms have intensified this communication exchange at even greater speeds, and in ways that demand clear and immediate response.

There is therefore a need for a formally administered test that can measure the level of a non-native speaker's practical English-writing effectiveness, and whose results can serve as a progressive basis for improvement.

ITSC has developed the G-TELP Writing Test to address this need. The G-TELP Writing Test is designed to directly assess the non-native English writer's proficiency in using written English in day-to-day interactions. Through this measure of English-writing proficiency, the non-native English speaker can be guided to progressively develop English writing skills and gain confidence in using them.

The G-TELP Writing Test complements the General Tests of Language Proficiency (G-TELP™) in assessing the English proficiency of non-native English speakers. Together, these tests form a powerful battery of measuring tools that can help people achieve higher levels of proficiency in the English language.