About ITSC




  • At the International Testing Services Center (ITSC), we are passionate about providing equitable education opportunities to individuals worldwide through our innovative and reliable English assessment solutions. As a leading research-oriented, independent educational measurement and evaluation organization, we have been at the forefront of English language testing since 1985.
  • ITSC offers a unique opportunity for researchers interested in contributing to the enhancement of our testing products through innovative research. We believe in the power of research to drive product improvements and are eager to support ambitious projects in the field of language assessment that align with this vision.
  • Corporate social contribution encompasses activities undertaken by companies to positively impact society and local communities beyond the pursuit of profit. We aim to address educational inequalities and eliminate disparities in educational opportunities across countries, regions, and races through education and exchange. We believe that international peace and human progress can be achieved through these efforts.


The G-TELP Speaking Test is a Measure

of General English Language Oral Proficiency

At the International Testing Services Center (ITSC), we are passionate about providing equal educational opportunities to individuals worldwide through our innovative and reliable English assessment solutions. As a leading research-oriented, independent educational measurement and evaluation organization, we have been at the forefront of English language testing since 1985.

Test Information
Test Type Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview
Duration Approximately 35 minutes
Availability of Score Report Seven working days
Question Around 30 questions divided among 11 parts
Level Levels 1 to 11
Criteria Content, Grammar, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
Duration of Score Validity Two years