G-TELP Junior Tests are pass/fail tests based on the total percentage of questions answered correctly. The passing score is at 60% or above on average and the failing score is below 60% on average. Scores in individual sections of the test do not influence whether an examinee passes or fails a test; the pass/fail is determined on the basis of total score.
The Score Report provides an Overall Score that reflects the total average an examinee has achieved. The Performance Analysis shows what test-takers are able to do, are not able to do, and what they need to do to improve their skills for each part of the Listening and Reading sections. The Skill Area describes what kinds of question the test items consist of.
Listening and reading skills are measured using multiple-choice questions. The scoring of multiple-choice answer sheets is automated and quality control procedures ensure accuracy.
Results will be released on the website no later than five working days after the test date. Candidates who apply for their score report online can print it out online only once, and a paper score report is mailed out directly only to those who apply for a paper score report once the score is released. Score reports will be available online for both options.
A test report will not be reissued if two years have passed since taking the test because English skills may improve or decline over time.