About ITSC




  • At the International Testing Services Center (ITSC), we are passionate about providing equitable education opportunities to individuals worldwide through our innovative and reliable English assessment solutions. As a leading research-oriented, independent educational measurement and evaluation organization, we have been at the forefront of English language testing since 1985.
  • ITSC offers a unique opportunity for researchers interested in contributing to the enhancement of our testing products through innovative research. We believe in the power of research to drive product improvements and are eager to support ambitious projects in the field of language assessment that align with this vision.
  • Corporate social contribution encompasses activities undertaken by companies to positively impact society and local communities beyond the pursuit of profit. We aim to address educational inequalities and eliminate disparities in educational opportunities across countries, regions, and races through education and exchange. We believe that international peace and human progress can be achieved through these efforts.


LEVEL 1. Authentic English in Complex Communication

General Description

This level assesses the abilities of the examinee who is a fully independent user of the language.
This person has had extensive contact with native speakers, either through travel and/or living and working abroad.

Skill Area Description


An examinee at this level is able to fully understand authentic English at a normal rate of speech.

Tasks at this level include:

news reports or general interest segments from talk shows in which recommendation and suggestion on a variety of personal topics are given

conversations or interviews that describe a procedural sequence or give a detailed description of an object or event

Reading and Vocabulary

An examinee at this level can read and fully understand authentic texts from a variety of sources such as newspapers, journals,
encyclopedias, reference works, and anthologies.

Tasks at this level include:

biographical and autobiographical narratives

commentaries or editorial opinions on topics of general social concern

evaluation or critical review of a product, media event or artistic work

expositions of scientific or technological subjects

magazine articles for general readership

A person at this level is also required to demonstrate understanding of a wide range of idiomatic and non-idiomatic
context of the reading tasks described above.

LEVEL 2. Authentic and Modified English in Normal Communication

General Description

This level assesses the ability of a test taker to use the language outside of classroom situations.
This test taker is able to cope with some authentic English, has some contact with authentic English,
and has had some contact with native speakers. Although their learning of the language has been classroom-based,
the examinee is able to communicate with a native speaker within a wide range of tasks.

Skill Area Description


An examinee at this level is required to demonstrate understanding all of the basic grammatical structures of English and
some of the more complex grammatical structures.


An examinee at this level can understand authentic English which has been reworded, paraphrased and simplified, but
which is delivered at a normal rate of speech.

Tasks at this level include:

everyday conversations involving informal situations

formal monologues in which a particular product or course of action is recommended

discussions on pros and cons of certain situations

 explanations of a non-technical procedure or process, or tips which are informative, useful, or helpful for specific situations

Reading and Vocabulary

An examinee at this level can read authentic and modified texts of a general nature. Modified texts are defined as texts in
which low-frequency and idiomatic vocabulary is simplified. At this level, syntax is not modified.

Tasks at this level include:

narratives that focus on historical or contemporary figures

magazine and newspaper articles that describe current social or technological subjects, or study/survey results

encyclopedic articles that are general and non-technical

commercial correspondence that is descriptive and persuasive

A person at this level is also required to demonstrate understanding of selected vocabulary in the context of the reading
tasks described above.

LEVEL 3. Modified English in Simple Commnucation

General Description

This level assesses the ability of a test taker to communicate in English at an elementary level.
This person's exposure to English has been limited mainly to the classroom, with little extended contact with native speakers.
It should be noted, however, that while a person at this level is not an independent user of the language and is not expected to
cope with unmodified English, he/she would be able to function within a limited range of authentic English language situations.

Skill Area Description


An examinee at this level is required to demonstrate understanding of basic grammatical structures in one and two sentence contexts.


An examinee at this level can understand native speakers of English who are speaking at a slower than normal rate, with
pauses, repetitions, and paraphrasing intended for non-native speakers.

Tasks at this level include:

public announcements which give simple information

explanations of the physical functions or attributes of familiar objects

personal accounts in which a personal event and its chronology are described

directions for a procedure

Reading and Vocabulary

An examinee at this level can read simplified and/or simple authentic texts of such as those found in textbooks written for learners of

English as a second or foreign language.

Tasks at this level include:

descriptions of landmarks and places of interest based on texts from tourist guidebooks, travel magazines, and

historical biographies based on texts from travel literature and history texts

informal narratives in personal correspondence between friends

announcements concerning the activities, meetings, and accomplishments of organizations such as clubs and professional groups

A person at this level is also required to demonstrate understanding of selected vocabulary in the context of the reading
tasks described above.

LEVEL 4. Basic English in Simple Communication

General Description

The test taker is capable of basic formulaic expressions
such as those used in greetings and introductions, and is successfulwith basic communication exchanges.
Although a test taker at this level has had only limited exposure to English

Skill Area Description


An examinee at this level is required to demonstrate understanding of basic grammatical structures in one and two
sentence contexts.


An examinee at this level understands the literal meaning, as well as some inference,
in basic conversations with native speakers of English.
The rate of speech is slow and intended for a person who has had limited exposure to the language in or outside the classroom.

Tasks at this level include:

single statements or questions

short transactions in a familiar setting

instructions centering on how to perform simple tasks

Reading and Vocabulary

An examinee at this level can read texts composed of simple vocabulary for speakers with limited English skills.

Tasks at this level include:

simple instructions found in business forms, public signs, and application forms

simple organizational or public announcements

basic facts about well-known current or historical figures, information, or activities

simple information in personal correspondence or office memos

A person at this level is also required to demonstrate understanding of selected vocabulary in the context of the reading
tasks described above.

LEVEL 5. Basic Classroom English

General Description

This level assesses the ability of a test taker to produce and recognize minimal amounts of English.
The test taker has had limited exposure to English in the classroom, and knows only basic elements of the language.

Skill Area Description


A test taker at this level has been exposed to a variety of basic grammatical structures,
such as frequently used irregular verbs and present tense.
He/she is required to demonstrate understanding of basic grammatical structures in one-and two-sentence contexts.


An examinee at this level understands the general meaning of short statements and conversations of native speakers of English.
Rate of speech is slow, and vocabulary is formulaic and basic. Minimal communication is expected.

Tasks at this level include:

short statements of information associated with a picture

everyday greetings and introductions

simple classroom instructions

basic requests for information

Reading and Vocabulary

An examinee at this level can read basic texts consisting of short sentences and simple vocabulary.

Tasks at this level include:

simple narrations of everyday situations

short descriptions of well-known current events

personal correspondence between family or friends

basic descriptions of locations or geographical features

A person at this level is also required to demonstrate understanding of selected vocabulary in the context of the reading
tasks described above.